Back to School and Busier Than Ever?

While this year has been anything but normal, back to school season is sneaking up on us as always. In many of the regions we serve, including Hamilton County and Northern Indianapolis, students are going back to school in a phased approach, starting with virtual learning, but heading back into the classroom when it’s safe. With the ongoing discussion about how to make school safe in person, or productive at home, many of us have overlooked how dramatic the back to school routine can be in ordinary years.

After weeks of downtime, often without the fun and distractions of camp and trips to the beach, kids are getting to go back to school. With many parents working from home to accommodate virtual learning, the challenges of balancing “homeschooling” and full-time work can be overwhelming.

Even when our kids are back in the classroom, it’s likely that most schools will offer fewer afterschool programs for students, so sports and clubs may be limited, but balancing picking kids up from school, helping with homework, errands, and work can be daunting, to say the least.

When the kids are finally in bed, it’s hard to think about cleaning up the kitchen or tackling dirty bathrooms, and more often than not, we pour ourselves a glass of wine and sink into the couch.

While we can’t help you navigate the new math curriculum or keep your kids focused while virtual learning, we can give you a clean house. Let us take one major task off your plate and give you peace of mind during the back to school season. Call us or get a quote today to add sanity back into your schedule.

Plan: B Cleaning offers office, house, and commercial cleaning and disinfecting services in the Fishers and Carmel, Indiana areas.