How to Get Your Bathroom Spotless

nontoxic cleaning products for your bathroom

A clean bathroom can be an absolute treat to come home to after a long day. But cleaning your bathroom doesn’t have to take up your entire weekend – and with some careful planning, it can even be pretty easy and the results will be worth it! Check out this guide on how to get your bathroom spotless and enjoy your clean space all week long.

DIY or Professionals?

As they say, if you want something done right, do it yourself. While that might be true in many situations, when it comes to getting your bathroom clean and sparkling, hiring a professional cleaning company is a much better route. Using professional bathroom cleaning services will ensure your grout gets cleaned thoroughly, tiles come out sparkling and tubs are cleaned well enough that you won’t even have to worry about them for weeks.

If you find your schedule is too hectic and your bathroom is getting dirtier and dirtier, a professional cleaning service is the right choice for you. Whether you want to free up more time for yourself or for family or friends, hiring a cleaning company can do that for you. You'll have more time to do what you love and always have a clean bathroom!

If you do have the time (or you just like cleaning), the DIY route can be simplified so that your bathroom is always looking and smelling fresh. Keep reading on to learn the best way to get your bathroom spotless!

Clean the Shower and Tub

While a clogged drain can be frustrating, it’s an easy problem to fix. If your shower or tub is starting to look grungy, it might be time for deep cleaning. The first step is emptying out whatever gunk has been building up in there over time. 

You can start by using a drain-clearing product that you can find at most stores, such as Drano. If you are looking for a natural alternative to Draino, try using baking soda and white vinegar! Put a good amount of baking soda down the shower drain and follow up by pouring vinegar down the drain. The reaction between the vinegar and baking soda will clean out the drain. Leave the mixture to do its magic for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm or hot water.

Next, you need to get all of the soap scum and product buildup off of the shower surface.  You can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar again for cleaning or you can use a store-bought cleaner that is specifically made to lift tough soap scum off of the shower. Spray it on your tub or shower walls and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it away with a cleaning brush and then follow up by wiping it down with a sponge or rag.

Clean the Bathroom Floors

When cleaning a bathroom, the floors usually get forgotten. But in contrast, they tend to be the dirtiest surface in the bathroom! Start by sweeping or vacuuming any dust, dirt, or debris that is on the bathroom floor. Then you can move on to the deeper cleaning. Choose the floor cleaning product that suits your floor type. Some bathrooms have ceramic or porcelain tile flooring, some have laminate flooring, and some have vinyl flooring. Make sure to check the product you choose to clean the flooring is safe for your bathroom's flooring type.

The quickest and easiest way to clean the bathroom floor is to use a microfiber mop or a tool like the Swiffer. Microfiber mops are great because they any remaining trap dirt, dust, and hair in their fibers so you don't have to worry about leaving behind a dirty floor. Just make sure you wring out your microfiber mop frequently and wash it between uses so that it stays clean. 

Using a Swiffer is also another easy option for cleaning bathroom floors because it's pre-moistened with cleaner, so all you have to do is swipe it across your bathroom floor!

Clean the Bathroom Sink

Cleaning a bathroom sink is the easiest step you can take to refresh your bathroom. Remove any buildup of soap scum with a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar or any multipurpose cleaner. To do the DIY method, sprinkle baking soda on the sink and soak a microfiber rag in vinegar and gently rub it into your bathroom sink until all soap scum has been removed. Rinse off any remaining product by rinsing your sink with water. 

Next, don't forget to clean the mirror!  Cleaning a bathroom mirror is a breeze with a lint-free microfiber cloth and any glass cleaner that you prefer. 

Finally, when you're finished cleaning your sink and mirrors, make sure you dry them thoroughly so they won't become a breeding ground for bacteria. Use paper towels or microfiber cloths to wipe away any excess moisture.

Clean the Toilet

Toilets are home to some of the most bacteria and grime and can't be forgotten about. The good news is that cleaning your toilet bowl doesn’t have to be a complicated or costly process—there are a few simple things you can do on your own in order to get it looking its best again.

You'll need a toilet bowl cleaner of your choosing and a toilet bowl brush. You can also utilize the baking soda and vinegar method that you use for the sink in the toilet too if you don't want to buy conventional cleaning products. Next, scrub away! Make sure to get under the sides of the toilet where water comes out because hard water can build up unsightly sediment in this area. Follow up with a flush and the toilet should be shiny and clean!

After cleaning the interior of the toilet, use a disinfectant wipe or cleaning spray to thoroughly clean the toilet seat, the lid, and the base of the toilet. And don't forget to wipe down the toilet flusher, too! It can gather as much bacteria from use as the toilet seat can.

Organize Under the Sink

Under-the-sink cabinets are perfect for storing cleaning supplies, which is helpful when it comes time to do a quick bathroom clean-up. To really make things easy, consider creating an under-the-sink cleaning kit with a bunch of basic cleaning products that you can easily grab and throw away without ever having to leave your toilet. 

It's a great idea to utilize storage solutions like baskets and containers to hold any cleaning products or toiletries for easy access. A clean bathroom doesn’t require a lot of elbow grease—just some patience and organization.

Wash the Linens

Wash your bathroom linens regularly so that they don't harbor bacteria or even worse – mold! This includes any bath mats or rugs you have on the bathroom floor, hand towels, bath towels, robes, and even the shower curtains and liners.

Many people forget to take down the shower curtain and liner to be washed, but they should be washed at least once a month. It's recommended to use a fabric shower liner so that it can be washed to prevent any mold or mildew from growing on it. After all, it gets soaked every shower and sometimes doesn't have the time to dry between shower times. Being able to just throw the liner into the wash is quick, easy, and effective. 

Another tip to prevent bacteria or mold growth on the shower liner is to always pull the shower curtain closed after use so that it can dry more thoroughly. This will decrease the chance of mold and bacteria growth so that your shower stays cleaner and fresher for longer! 

Hire the Professionals

If all of these tips sound too time-consuming or too difficult, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. A cleaning technician will clean all of the surfaces of all of your bathrooms so that it is fresh, clean, and bacteria-free!  They’ll also be able to scrub out any tough stains on your bathroom floors and walls, as well as disinfect any potential hazards in your bathrooms. 

Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area for residential cleaning services. So if you want your bathroom to be spotless in your house or apartment, call Plan: B Cleaning to set up your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly residential cleaning service! Plan: B Cleaning creates a custom profile for each client so that they can learn more about your space and deliver exceptional cleaning services every time.

Plan: B Cleaning serves the Fishers, Indiana area, including Carmel, Noblesville, Broad Ripple, Geist, Fortville, and more. Call today at (317) 572-8515 or visit for a free estimate on your cleaning service!