Life is unexpected at times.

Loss of a job, family member passing, unexpected illness. The list of reasons that you, a family member, friend, or co-worker could be struggling are endless. Our team at Plan: B Clean wants to serve the communities we provide services to by offering a free cleaning. The power of a clean house will not fix life's problems but it does have an undeniable power to show love and support during a hard season. If you know of someone that you would like to nominate for a Plan: Blessing cleaning please fill out the form on this page below the following video.

What does a Plan: Blessing cleaning typically include?

Our team will spend time asking questions and listening to how we can best help meet the needs of your nominee. Afterwards, a team of cleaners to clean their home for up to 4.5 hours. 

We will clean your nominee's home with as much detail as possible based upon the situation and needs at the time.