What You Can Expect from

Plan: B Cleaning Services?

Plan: B Cleaning is a detailed cleaning company. In almost all circumstances an initial deep clean is required to remove buildup. This helps prepare the home for ongoing cleaning. Some buildup may require multiple visits to remove. So while a significant change will be noticed during the deep clean, attention will be given to these areas on subsequent cleans. *Certain items may not be able to be cleaned to look like new.


  • Tile walls, bathtubs and showers cleaned
  • Shower doors cleaned
  • Vanity and sink cleaned and disinfected
  • Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and shined
  • Hard floors vacuumed and mopped/carpets vacuumed
  • Toilets thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
  • Baseboards, window sills, ledges and blinds dusted
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Doors and door frames spot cleaned
  • General dusting


  • Doors and door frames spot cleaned
  •  Cobwebs removed
  •  Picture frames, lamps, furniture tops dusted
  •  Ceiling fans, blinds dusted
  •  Baseboards, window sills, ledges and blinds dusted 
  •  Floors vacuumed and mopped/carpet vacuumed
  •  Beds made
  •  Stairs vacuumed
  •  Furniture and upholstery vacuumed if needed
  •  Touch up smudged windows
  •  Presentation: pillows fluffed, blankets folded


  • Countertops cleaned
  • Top and front of range cleaned
  • Countertops and sink cleaned
  • Drip pans or glass top surfaces wiped
  • Sinks cleaned and chrome shined
  • Fronts of all appliances cleaned
  • Floors vacuumed and mopped
  • Baseboards, window sills, ledges and blinds dusted
  • Cob webs removed
  • Microwave wiped out
  • Doors and door frames spot cleaned
  • General dusting
  • Appliances on countertops wiped
  • Fronts of cabinets spot cleaned


These things can be included at any time for an additional fee:

  • Blinds (hand wiping of every piece)
  • Appliances (inside cabinets, oven, fridge, etc.)
  • Change bedding
  • For these services, there is an additional charge. We ask that you schedule these in advance. We might not be able to accommodate you with these services if you request them on the day of your regularly scheduled cleaning.
  • We DO NOT shampoo carpet or do full window cleaning. We do refer out for these two services.

We Appreciate Your Feedback

Please keep in mind that your home did not get dirty overnight and we may not be able to restore it back to your expectations in one cleaning. Showers, for example, get better with each cleaning. Usually after the third cleaning we have things looking great. It is very important that you let your cleaning team know if there is anything they are missing while cleaning so we can address that right away. In the first month or so, you are training and teaching us how to clean your home and good communication is fundamental in this relationship as we learn the details that are important to you as an individual.