8 Tips to Get Rid of Stains Before the Holiday Rush

If you're like most people, your holiday cleaning list is already long. But if you don't want to spend all day scrubbing stains from clothes and other household items, then we have some tips that will help!

To help you out, we'll share nine ways to get rid of stains before the holiday rush arrives.  

Tip #01: White Vinegar 

White vinegar is a great way to get rid of stains on clothes, carpets, and other household items. It's also a natural disinfectant, so it can help cleanse surfaces and kill bacteria. 

To use white vinegar as a stain remover:

  • Dab a small amount of white vinegar onto the stained area using a clean cloth or sponge. 
  • Let the vinegar dry completely. You can speed up the drying process by using a fan on low setting, if desired.
  • Repeat if necessary. If the stain persists, try using a stronger vinegar solution (check our other tips below).

Tip #02: Baking Soda 

Baking soda is another natural product that can help get rid of stains, including those on carpets and clothes. 

To remove a stain using baking soda: 

  • Sprinkle some onto the stain. 
  • Let it sit for about an hour (or overnight) 
  • Brush it away.  

Tip #03: Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice is a great stain remover for both clothes and surfaces. It's also a natural bleach, so it can help whiten fabrics that have been stained. 

To use lemon juice to remove stains:

  • Blot the area with a dry cloth to remove any excess liquid.
  • Apply lemon juice to a cotton ball and dab the stain.
  • Let the lemon juice sit on the stain for five minutes before rinsing with water.
  • Repeat as necessary.

Tip #04: Dish Soap 

Dish soap is a great way to remove grease and oil stains from clothes. 

To use dish soap as a stain remover:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of dish soap with one cup of water. 
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and dab with a clean, wet cloth until the stain is removed.
  • Don't let it soak in, because if it sets in the stain, even I won't be able to get it out. 
  • Rinse thoroughly afterward. 
  • (Note: Dish soap is a degreasing agent and may fade some fabrics over time. Test the mixture on an inconspicuous area of the fabric before using.)

Tip #05: Toothpaste 

Toothpaste is a great way to remove stains from surfaces, including mirrors and stainless steel. It's also effective at removing grease and oil stains from clothes. 

To use toothpaste as a stain remover:

  • If the toothpaste is white, apply it directly to the stain and then let sit for at least 5 minutes. 
  • If it's colored, place it in a container, add the stain(s) to the container and then let sit for at least 5 minutes. 
  • After this time has passed, scrub the toothpaste into the stain with a toothbrush and then rinse.
  • Alternatively, you can mix together water and toothpaste in a 1:1 ratio and apply it to the stain. 
  • Let sit for at least 5 minutes before scrubbing and rinsing.

Tip #06: Salt 

Salt is a natural cleaning agent that can be used to remove blood stains, grease stains, grass stains and clay. It's also the best way to remove pet odors from upholstery.

To remove a stain using salt:

  • Dampen the stain with water.
  • Apply a generous layer of salt over the stain. Let it sit for one hour, then vacuum it up.
  • If the stain is still visible, repeat the process.

Tip #07: Hydrogen Peroxide  

Hydrogen peroxide is a great way to remove stains from clothes. It's also effective at removing rust, which can be common during the holiday season when many decorations are made of metal or iron.  

To use hydrogen peroxide: 

  • Pour hydrogen peroxide into a small container. 
  • Dip a cotton ball into the hydrogen peroxide, and then dab it on the blemish.
  • Allow the hydrogen peroxide to dry on the blemish.
  • Repeat this process two or three times a day until the blemish is gone.

Tip #08: Rubbing Alcohol 

Rubbing alcohol works well for both carpets and surfaces because it kills bacteria that cause stains. Also, rubbing alcohol breaks down oil and helps remove stains caused by grease, cosmetics, and other spills. It is also effective at removing ink stains.

To remove a stain using rubbing alcohol:   

  • Dip a cotton ball into the rubbing alcohol 
  • Rub the cotton ball on the stain until it's completely gone. 
  •  If the stain doesn't come out immediately, let the cotton ball rest on it for a few minutes and then try again. 

Hopefully, these tips do the trick and have you ready for a stain-free holiday season! 

Why Should You Hire Professional Cleaners This Holiday Season?

We all know cleaning before the holidays can be tiring. Why not hire a professional cleaning service to help you prepare for the holiday season? 

Here are some great reasons why you should consider asking Plan: B Cleaning to help you this year:

  • Your Time is Money: The amount of time you spend cleaning takes away from all of the holiday fun. We can help you clean and give you your free time back for the holidays. 
  • We Offer Different Cleaning Services: Visit our website and discover the variety of cleaning services we can offer you at https://planbcleaning.com/
  • You Can Trust Us to Clean Your Home: We are GBAC (Global Biorisk Advisory Council) certified! Our cleaning technicians undergo an in-depth training course through GBAC to become professional cleaning technicians ready to properly clean your home. 

We know how important it is for your home to be clean for Christmas. Trust our team of cleaning professionals to beautify your home. Call us at (317) 572-8515 or email in**********@pl***********.com to learn more about our cleaning services.