Preparing for Guests this Thanksgiving

With guests coming, it is important to take care of these household tasks before Thanksgiving. We are here to help! With these 5 pre-Thanksgiving tasks, your house will be ready for Thanksgiving in no time!

Provide Enough Bathroom Supplies

When you're expecting a crowd, it's important to make sure that the bathroom is stocked with toilet paper and clean towels. You'll want these items on hand in case any of your guests need them! 

When inviting guests into your home, try to think of anything they might need so that it is not necessary for them to ask. Consider providing toothpicks and air fresheners in order to make their time with you more comfortable!

Check Silverware

If you're hosting a large gathering this Thanksgiving, be sure to prep with plenty of plates and silverware for all your guests. Plus if there's anything you may not have on hand, then ask an easygoing friend or neighbor so you have everything you need for the guests.

Make sure the dishes you choose to use are clean and ready for when guests arrive. Put away any dirty pans or pots to avoid cross-contamination, then fix up that dishwasher—you'll be thankful for such an easy cleanup after everyone is finished eating!

Clean Out the Fridge

Not sure how old those leftovers are in your fridge? Then it’s time to toss them. Make sure to empty out all food from the refrigerator and scrub with a disinfectant solution or vinegar water before putting it back into use, if you're using a cleaner with bleach then use caution! 

Now your fridge will be spotless and you can enjoy all of those delicious leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner!

Prepare the Guest Rooms

If you have overnight guests for the holidays, be sure to wash all bedding including sheets and comforters before they arrive. Is there a ceiling fan in the guest room? If so, make sure it is dust-free and working properly! Vacuum the furniture as well to eliminate any chance of triggering dust allergies.

Tidy Up the Oven

It's great that your mother-in-law said she'd bring the best cranberry stuffing to bake at home. But do you really want her to see how dirty or cluttered the oven is? Scrub down the oven before she arrives, using natural alternative methods like baking soda and vinegar!

Need Professionals?

If preparing for a crowd of guests before Thanksgiving seems like too much to handle on your own, then you can count on Plan:B Cleaning to lend you a hand. We offer various cleaning services based on your needs. Call or text us today at (317) 572-8515. You can also email in**********@pl***********.com for more information about our services!