Using The Kon Mari Method for Back-to-School: Decluttering and Organizing Your Home and Mind

Have you heard about Author and TV personality Kon Mari? She wrote the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. It took off and became a best-seller. Why? Because her ideas are useful, practical, and achievable. They really work to help you clean up your home, your life, and your mind.

Here is what the book teaches…
The author teaches and reminds people to clean up and keep things tidy so they can clear their mind, and maintain control of their life.
Here are some powerful words from her writings: “When you put your house in order using the Kon Mari Method™, you have no choice but to listen to your inner voice – because the question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life. When you reassess your belongings and organize your home, you set the stage for a huge transformation.”

Having a tidy home is not a new idea, but looking at it with this frame of mind is different: ‘What you own is how you want to live.’ This is a powerful phrase that makes us all reevaluate your surroundings and your belongings. It is a simple way of looking at things and encourages us to live a minimalist lifestyle surrounded by the things and people we actively choose.

So, let’s apply that to Back to School and everything that goes with that task and experience. Keeping things tidy can be a way of life and a way to simplify and manage this task and through this new mindset, perhaps back to school and the new routine can be less stressful.
When we apply the new tidy method to the tasks at hand, and the state of our home, it can transform a normally stressful experience into a manageable one.

Tidying up comes down to a system of cleaning, decluttering, and planning ahead.

To achieve a tidy state in your home and life, Kon Mari recommends that you do it all at once, not little by little. She says that this allows you to make changes and keep them so you can see a bigger difference.
Another interesting and helpful tip Mari shares is to clean and organize by category – not by location. The order in which you declutter is the key of her method. By starting with the easiest category, you will gain instant gratification of your accomplishment. This will help you continue.

This is the order that she suggests when you begin decluttering:
1. Clothes
2. Books
3. Papers
4. Miscellaneous Objects
5. Sentimental items

The order of those things will help you build the excitement as you move from one to the other.

Before you begin, you must remember the most important step. Mari says that the change needs to start by imagining the life that you want and picturing what it will look like when you get there. This is an essential first step. You have to have a mental picture of what this lifestyle will be life after you achieve it.

Let Plan B Cleaning help you get there! Call us for a house cleaning to help you manage your busy lifestyle.

Check out her website for more resources:


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