
Easy and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

Fruit flies, those pesky little bugs that seem to appear out of nowhere and get stuck in your fruit bowl or on top of your garbage can. Sometimes they’re even flying around the kitchen! Fruit flies are a problem for many people and if you’re one of them, don’t worry – we’ve got some quick and effective solutions that will help rid these pests from your home.

Keep Surfaces Clean

Cleanliness is key to keeping fruit flies away. This includes not only your kitchen but also the surrounding area as well (counters, stovetops, cabinets, etc.). Make sure to keep all fruit and food items in airtight containers and not out in the open air. Even if you think you don’t have fruit flies, make sure to clean up any fruit or spills immediately.

Clean the Drain

In addition, it is a good idea to clean out your kitchen sink drain. This will help clean out any fruit fly eggs that have been laid inside of your pipes/drains. You can purchase products from the grocery store to clean out the drain or make a homemade solution of one part baking soda to two parts white vinegar to pour down the drain. The fizzy solution will wash down any lingering fruit flies.

Eliminate Sources of Food

You want to eliminate their breeding ground. The more overripe foods and products around the house, the faster fruit flies will reproduce.  You want to clean your garbage and trash cans regularly, as well as the inside of your recycling bin. Use disinfectant sprays around trash cans and on the kitchen sink to eliminate lingering food mess.

Use Homemade Fly Traps

Another effective way to get rid of fruit flies is by utilizing fruit fly traps. There are a number of products available for purchase online or at your local grocery store, but if you’re feeling crafty, this is a quick and simple solution that you can easily do yourself.

  • Simply mix some apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a bowl or jar. 
  • You can also add a bit of brown sugar to the mixture to help attract the flies more.
  • Pour the apple cider vinegar and dish soap mixture in small containers like jars or cups and cover with plastic wrap.
  • Using a toothpick, poke small holes in the plastic wrap so the flies can crawl into the bowl and can’t crawl out.

The vinegar attracts flies because of its sweetness, and the dish soap prevents the flies from escaping by creating surface tension in the vinegar. They will not be able to escape the trap and your fruit fly problem will soon be gone!

Combine Multiple Methods

Although it’s not the quickest solution, fruit flies do tend to disappear on their own after a while of living in your house and eating the food you’ve provided. Unfortunately, this might take a few weeks to happen and in that time, they can be quite bothersome around your home. So for a quick and effective way to get rid of fruit flies, try combining the homemade fruit fly trap as well as store-bought traps.

Seal Entrances to Your Home

In order for fruit flies not to find their way back in again, sealing them out of your home is essential. Make sure they cannot enter through windows by keeping screens closed at all times when no one is home, especially during seasons where fruit flies are present more frequently. If there are holes in these types of screens, fruit flies are likely to find their way in. 

Need Help From Cleaning Professionals?

Cleaning is an inevitable part of life, but it can be a hassle and take up too much time in your day. If you want a break from cleaning (or fruit flies!) then why not let Plan: B Cleaning handle everything? Give our team at (317) 572-8515 or email call today!


10 Steps to a Stress-Free Christmas: How To Clean Your Home for the Holiday

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and Christmas cheer! It can also be a stressful time if you’re not properly prepared. One of the keys to having a stress-free Christmas is preparing your home ahead of time. We will give you 7 ways to get your home sparkling clean this Christmas so you have plenty of free time to enjoy with loved ones!

Create a Cleaning Schedule 

A cleaning schedule will help ensure that you have time to clean for the holidays. If you don’t want to create your own schedule, there are plenty of great apps out there that will help keep you organized.

Get the Kids Involved 

Kids love to help and teaching them the importance of responsibility with cleaning is a life skill. Spend some quality time with the kids while you clean your carpets, and you won’t have to worry about the kids making a mess while you’re all out shopping.

Clean Your Windows, Inside and Out

Make it sparkle for Christmas time! Cleaning your windows for Christmas will make your home look fantastic from the inside and out –with temperatures permitting of course. 

Prevent Oven Messes

Putting foil down in baking trays, or lining them with parchment paper will help prevent your oven from getting messy when you’re trying to keep it clean. So after the holidays, cleaning your oven won’t be so difficult.

Clear Out The Fridge

Cleaning out the fridge helps prevent any embarrassment when you have company over for the holidays. Take everything out of your fridge and wipe it down. If you have items that need to be kept cold, just set them on the counter while you clean. You can also throw away any food or leftovers that has expired or is no longer fresh.

Remove Decorations Before You Clean

Take down all of your holiday decorations before you start cleaning. This allows you to clean the areas that will be affected by your decorations, which means a better-looking space at Christmas! 

Reduce Christmas Tree Cleanup

As you set up your tree, you don’t want to have a mountain of Christmas tree needles lying around. So prevent this by putting down a Christmas tree drop sheet or tree bag before setting up your tree for the holidays. 

Take Advantage of Your Vacuum Cleaner

Use a vacuum with an attachment to clean the ceiling fan blades. They are often forgotten when cleaning, but they can get very dirty in just one season of use! Make sure you also dust all of your furniture and light fixtures before putting up Christmas lights. You don’t want any dirt or cobwebs showing up on your Christmas tree or decorations!

Utilize Microfiber Cloths

Use a microfiber cloth to clean all of the dust out of every nook and cranny. Small spaces are often forgotten when cleaning, but they can get dirty very quickly over the holidays! It’s also important that you vacuum under furniture if you have pets that like to hang out under your couch!

Clean All Bedding

Wash all of the bedding in every bedroom, including comforters and mattress pads, before your guests arrive for Christmas. They will sleep better knowing the beds are fresh and clean. The holidays are a time to enjoy, so make sure you have plenty of time to relax!

Following these steps will ensure that you have a hassle-free Christmas! Save yourself some time and stress this holiday season so you can focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

Consider Hiring Professionals For the Holidays!

Sometimes, cleaning around the holidays can be a challenge. Consider hiring professional cleaners from Plan: B Cleaning to beautify your home this Christmas! We can guarantee that you will have a clean home for the holidays! Call us today at (317) 572-8515 or email to learn more about our cleaning services.


Preparing for Guests this Thanksgiving

With guests coming, it is important to take care of these household tasks before Thanksgiving. We are here to help! With these 5 pre-Thanksgiving tasks, your house will be ready for Thanksgiving in no time!

Provide Enough Bathroom Supplies

When you’re expecting a crowd, it’s important to make sure that the bathroom is stocked with toilet paper and clean towels. You’ll want these items on hand in case any of your guests need them! 

When inviting guests into your home, try to think of anything they might need so that it is not necessary for them to ask. Consider providing toothpicks and air fresheners in order to make their time with you more comfortable!

Check Silverware

If you’re hosting a large gathering this Thanksgiving, be sure to prep with plenty of plates and silverware for all your guests. Plus if there’s anything you may not have on hand, then ask an easygoing friend or neighbor so you have everything you need for the guests.

Make sure the dishes you choose to use are clean and ready for when guests arrive. Put away any dirty pans or pots to avoid cross-contamination, then fix up that dishwasher—you’ll be thankful for such an easy cleanup after everyone is finished eating!

Clean Out the Fridge

Not sure how old those leftovers are in your fridge? Then it’s time to toss them. Make sure to empty out all food from the refrigerator and scrub with a disinfectant solution or vinegar water before putting it back into use, if you’re using a cleaner with bleach then use caution! 

Now your fridge will be spotless and you can enjoy all of those delicious leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner!

Prepare the Guest Rooms

If you have overnight guests for the holidays, be sure to wash all bedding including sheets and comforters before they arrive. Is there a ceiling fan in the guest room? If so, make sure it is dust-free and working properly! Vacuum the furniture as well to eliminate any chance of triggering dust allergies.

Tidy Up the Oven

It’s great that your mother-in-law said she’d bring the best cranberry stuffing to bake at home. But do you really want her to see how dirty or cluttered the oven is? Scrub down the oven before she arrives, using natural alternative methods like baking soda and vinegar!

Need Professionals?

If preparing for a crowd of guests before Thanksgiving seems like too much to handle on your own, then you can count on Plan:B Cleaning to lend you a hand. We offer various cleaning services based on your needs. Call or text us today at (317) 572-8515. You can also email for more information about our services!


How to Make the Most of Your Closet Space: Organization Tips & Tricks

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on closet organization systems. With just a little bit of creativity and some inexpensive items, you can make your closet space more organized, functional, and beautiful. This blog post will give you tips on how to organize your closet so that it’s easier for you to find what you’re looking for when getting ready in the morning!

Organization Tips & Tricks

  • Start with donating clothes and accessories that you no longer wear or want that are only cluttering your closet. This will clear out space for a more efficient organizational system.
  • Utilize floor space for shoes, handbags, and other storage bins.
  • Utilize wall space to hang up hats, belts, scarves, etc. Depending on how much of your closet is open with no doors or built-in shelves, you can add hanging rods and hang-up clothes or accessories in your closet to make more space.
  • Store off-season clothes or bulky sweaters inside floor bins or under the bed. This will open up more space for you to organize your in-season clothes.
  • You can use special hangers with clips or hooks to hang up scarves, belts, and ties.
  • Try organizing your closet by color so it’s easier to find matching clothes. Or if you have a lot of clothes, organize them by season.
  • You can use closet dividers to separate different types/styles of clothing so you can find certain clothing items easier.
  • Shoes may be the hardest thing to organize but there are closet organizers especially for shoes that can maximize space. Try storing away shoes that are out of season or for special occasions only under the bed in bins.
  • You can also get closet systems if you have the space and budget to do so and utilize more of your closet space this way.

Remember that closet organization is a process and takes time. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be in the best position to make your closet work for you! Don’t get discouraged if it seems overwhelming at first — just take one step at a time!

If you are interested in cleaning services in the Hamilton County & Northern Indianapolis areas, Plan: B Cleaning is here for you! Plan: B Cleaning is a member of ISSA, a member of ARCSI, and GBAC Certified, so you know the team of cleaners that you are hiring is professional and knowledgeable.

Call (317) 572-8515 or visit for more info and let the team at Plan: B Cleaning take care of your home and give you more time to do what you love!


Easy & Cheap Ideas to Make Halloween Extra Fun

Halloween is fun for everyone. Kids love it because they get to dress up and collect candy, adults love it because of the fun holiday parties that usually go along with it. If you’re looking for fun Halloween decorating tips or Halloween party planning ideas, this blog post has you covered! We’ll show you how to make Halloween extra fun and give you easy, cheap ideas to make Halloween a blast!

  • Use fun Halloween party games to keep your guests entertained. Activities like bobbing for apples and pumpkin carving are great fun and are easy to set up!
  • Decorate with jars and glasses filled with candy! Glassware can be found for cheap at places like Dollar Tree. You can use these cute glasses or jars and fill them with candy corn, marshmallows, mini chocolate bars, decorative accents, and more to make a fun candy display.
  • Halloween string lights! String up some fun orange or black light bulbs outside your house for an extra festive feel! You can also use them inside as well by hanging them from the ceiling in different areas of your home.
  • You can buy fake spider webs for very cheap at most stores and they will instantly transform your home into a spooky space. They are reusable year after year and are quick and easy to hang up as decor.
  • If you already have paint supplies, it is a fun and easy family activity to paint pumpkins with Halloween-themed art! Your artwork will be displayed as part of your Halloween decor. You can paint the pumpkins with a skeleton’s face, a zombie’s face, or even just a simple pattern in Halloween colors.
  • To set a fun or eerie mood in your home is to play a Halloween playlist! You can go with a fun, upbeat Halloween playlist or a creepy, scary playlist. This is the easiest way to get your home ready for your Halloween festivities.

Any of these fun Halloween decorating ideas will make your home extra festive and fun for the holiday! Try them out this year and see what you think.

If you are interested in cleaning services in the Hamilton County & Northern Indianapolis areas, Plan: B Cleaning is here for you! Plan: B Cleaning is a member of ISSA, a member of ARCSI, and GBAC Certified, so you know the team of cleaners that you are hiring is professional and knowledgeable.

Call (317) 572-8515 or visit for more info and let the team at Plan: B Cleaning take care of your home and give you more time to do what you love!


Your Local Fishers, Indiana Disinfecting Professionals

Plan: B Cleaning is knowledgeable in disinfecting services as we continue to fight against the spread of COVID-19. We are nearing cold and flu season as well and disinfecting your space can fight against the spread of illness. Plan: B disinfects residential and commercial properties so your home and business can stay clean and safe. 

If you are looking for a cleaning company in the Fishers, Indiana location, Plan: B Cleaning is here to help you!

At Plan: B Cleaning, we are making it our priority to disinfect your home or office. We disinfect surfaces using disinfectant cleaning products to ensure you are protected from coronavirus during this difficult time. We are also offering electrostatic fogging services to disinfect the air in your home or office.

For more information on how we can help protect you against the coronavirus pandemic, contact us at (317) 572-8515 or request a quote on our website at today!


Happy Fall from Plan: B Cleaning

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me / fluttering from the autumn tree” – Emily Bronte

The Plan: B Cleaning team wants to wish everyone a happy fall! Keep your home fresh and clean this fall with Plan: B Cleaning services. Enjoy all of the fun fall activities with family instead of worrying about cleaning your home.

If you are interested in cleaning services in the Hamilton County & Northern Indianapolis areas, Plan: B Cleaning is here for you! Plan: B Cleaning is a member of ISSA, a member of ARCSI, and GBAC Certified, so you know the team of cleaners that you are hiring are professional and knowledgeable.

Call (317) 572-8515 or visit for more info and let the team at Plan: B Cleaning take care of your home and give you more time to do what you love!


October Plan: Blessing

This October, Plan: B is honoring breast cancer survivors or those in the battle against breast cancer with a free Plan: Blessing home cleaning!

Nominate someone who deserves a free cleaning at


The Importance of Disinfecting During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Plan: B Cleaning is trying to help keep your family and business safe in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. It is important in our homes and workspaces to ensure that we not only keep ourselves healthy but we keep our family, friends, co-workers, and clients healthy during this difficult time. 

Disinfecting is important because it can protect against a wide range of viruses and bacteria that could be harmful to your health. In addition, disinfecting kills the kinds of germs you come into contact with on a daily basis in public spaces like restrooms and schools or work locations such as desks at an office or cubicles. Often the things we touch the most (items like doorknobs, keyboards, and light switches) are the items that have the highest probability of spreading sickness.

Disinfecting can also be used to disinfect your living space. Disinfectant spray is very effective at disinfecting surfaces such as countertops, bathrooms, or desks where you often don’t have the time to disinfect with disinfectant wipes.

At Plan: B Cleaning, we are making it our priority to disinfect your home or office. We disinfect surfaces using disinfectant cleaning products to ensure you are protected from coronavirus during this difficult time. We are also offering electrostatic fogging services to disinfect the air in your home or office.

For more information on how we can help protect you against the coronavirus pandemic, contact us at (317) 572-8515 or request a quote on our website at today!


National Professional House Cleaners Day

Professional house cleaners are essential members of society. National Professional House Cleaners Day on September 17th celebrates these people for doing an essential job that we can’t do ourselves, so it’s only fair to give them some recognition where credit is due- especially when most Americans take this profession for granted or overlook what they accomplish every day.

In 2019, the American House Cleaners Association (AHCA) established National Professional House Cleaner’s Day as a means to promote awareness and appreciation for these skilled workers. Not only are they important when it comes time for our homes’ cleaning needs but also make up one of the most important workforces in America!

Professional cleaners are trained and certified in the best, safest ways to efficiently clean your home. They can help people who find themselves short on time or who aren’t able to clean as well as a professional cleaner could. Especially during the coronavirus pandemic, professional cleaners are vital in disinfecting to protect you and your family.

Take a moment and thank your professional home cleaner today. Celebrate people who are in an industry that is dedicated to making our homes clean, safe environments where families can thrive.

At Plan: B Cleaning, our amazing team of skilled employees is dedicated to keeping your home spotless. Our professionals will always go above and beyond what you would expect from a cleaning service! 

If you are looking for a cleaning company and live in or around Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, or Westfield, Plan: B Cleaning is here to help you!

For more information, contact us at (317) 572-8515 or request a quote on our website at today!